September 01 2019
Every iOS applications must get approved from apple’s review team before getting it published to app store. The app gets rejected from app store review if they are duplicating apple apps or because of improper usage of components in the app.
Apple is having certain guidelines for publishing the app which is available on the apple website. Common rejection reasons are:
- Crashes & Bugs in App
- Non-Functional links in App
- Incomplete Place Holder Contents
- Failing for Asking Permission to Access User Data
- Improper Screenshots
- Incomplete Information
- Substandard User Interface
- Apps with only collection of links
- Submission of similar app which already exists in app store
- Misleading Information
Please click here for more information
We have to keep in mind that the following apple review guidelines are met before we publish the app.
- Safety
- Performance
- Business
- Design
- Legal
Please click here to read more
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